Traps | Weapons | Trinkets | Heroes |
In the OMD3 Spellbook you have access to manage your 42 Traps, 15 Weapons, 7 Trinkets and 6 Heroes. When accessing the Spellbook at the level select screen, you can buy or select upgrades for any item (Trap/Weapon/Trinket). When accessing the Spellbook at the beginning of the level, you can select the items you will use for your load-out and the rest of that level. They will remain defaulted in the loadout until you swap them out. Should you place a trap before the level starts and then remove that trap from your load-out, the trap you placed will be removed and refunded.
"In case anyone's wondering how many skulls it takes to upgrade everything, it's 1302 skulls" - Meensai
All items (9)