King Of The Hill is an Endless Mode level in Orcs Must Die! 2.

Level Description[]
- Entrance Doors: 4
- Flyer Entrances: 1
- Exit Rifts: 1
- Rift Points: 30
- Starting Money: 14000
- Hanging Bomb: 2
- Skull: 1
- The northern path is traveled by Flyers; it can be defended by Archer Guardians.
- Ranged traps and guardians are effective on the bridges over the left and right staircases, but only if they face south towards enemies at their own level.
- Orcs from the two southern gates will follow very long paths around the acid pool. Spring Traps are effective here.
- Eventually, Orcs from both southern gates will collect in a single tunnel south of the Rift. This is a good killzone.
- Like most stages, managing the various lanes is easier in Co-op mode.
Preparation Track: Untitled
Battle Track: Castlemania