Orcs Must Die! Wiki
Orcs Must Die! Wiki
Orcs Must Die! Wiki

Complete 5 Tiers of progressively harder scenarios.


Scramble Buffs
Icon Description Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5
ICON Buff KillstreakCoin Increase Killstreak reward Coin (+50%) 5.62% 5.00%
ICON Buff CostFloorTraps Reduce the cost of Floor Traps by half 5.62% 5.62% 5.62%
ICON Buff ComboCoin Increase Combo reward Coin (+100%) 5.62% 5.62%
ICON Buff DamageRangedAll Increase all Range Weapon Damage 5.62% 5.62%
ICON Buff ManaCostWeapons Reduce Mana costs of all Weapons 5.62% 5.62%
ICON Buff AOEConstantDamage Player has Constant AoE Physical Damage 5.62% 5.62%
ICON Buff CooldownHealingTrinket Reduce Healing Trinket cooldown by half 5.62% 5.62%
ICON Buff CooldownCeilingTraps Reduce cooldown of Ceiling Trap by half 5.62%
ICON Buff CooldownTrapResetTrinket Reduce Trap Reset Trinket cooldown by half 5.62%
ICON Buff DamageBladestaff Bladestaff Damage is doubled 5.62%
ICON Buff DamageBlunderbuss Blunderbuss Damage is doubled 5.62%
ICON Buff DamageLongbow Magic Longbow Damage is doubled 5.62%
ICON Buff DamageWallTraps Greatly increase all Wall Trap damage 5.62%
ICON Buff HeadshotCoin Headshots grant coin (+15 coin per shot) 5.62%
ICON Buff HeadshotDrop Headshot Kills always cause Pickup drops 5.62%
ICON Buff PlayerMaxHealth Player maximum Health is doubled (+100%) 5.62%
ICON Buff StartingCoin Start with 4000 bonus coin 5.62%
ICON Buff CostAllTraps Reduce the cost of All Traps 4.49%
ICON Buff CooldownFloorTraps Reduce cooldown of Floor Trap by half 5.00% 5.62% 5.62%
ICON Buff AOERandomDamage Player randomly pulses an AoE of Random damage 5.00% 5.62%
ICON Buff CooldownEmptyRiftTrinket Reduce Empty Rift Trinket cooldown by half 5.00% 5.62%
ICON Buff CooldownJarOfGhostsTrinket Reduce Jar of Ghosts Trinket cooldown by half 5.00% 5.62%
ICON Buff CostCeilingTraps Reduce the cost of Ceiling Traps by half 5.00% 5.62%
ICON Buff DamageMeleeAll Increase all Melee Weapon Damage 5.00% 5.62%
ICON Buff GainRiftPoints Gain 20 additional Rift Points 5.00% 5.62%
ICON Buff CooldownManaRageTrinket Reduce Mana Rage Trinket cooldown by half 5.00%
ICON Buff CooldownRingOfStormsTrinket Reduce Ring of Storms Trinket cooldown by half 5.00%
ICON Buff DamageAlchemistSatchel Alchemist Satchel Damage is doubled 5.00%
ICON Buff DamageCeilingTraps Greatly increase all Ceiling Trap damage 5.00%
ICON Buff DamageDominionScepter Scepter of Domination Damage is doubled 5.00%
ICON Buff DamageElvenShortSwords Elven Shortswords Damage Is Doubled 5.00%
ICON Buff DamageIceAmulet Ice Amulet Damage is doubled 5.00%
ICON Buff DropChance Greatly increase Pickup drop chance (+900%) 5.00%
ICON Debuff KillstreakDuration Increase Killstreak timer duration (+100%) 5.00%
ICON Buff PlayerBleed Enemies Bleed when attacking the player 5.00%
ICON Buff PlayerMaxMana Player maximum Mana is doubled (+100%) 5.00%
ICON Buff PlayerSpeed Increase Player Movement Speed (+25%) 5.00%
ICON Buff CooldownWallTraps Reduce cooldown of Wall Traps by half 5.62% 5.62%
ICON Buff CostWallTraps Reduce the cost of Wall Traps by half 5.62% 5.62%
ICON Buff CooldownFreedomTrinket Reduce Freedom Trinket cooldown by half 5.62%
ICON Buff DamageBroadsword Broadsword Damage is doubled 5.62%
ICON Buff DamageFlameBracers Flame Bracer Damage is doubled 5.62%
ICON Buff DamageFloorTraps Greatly increase all Floor Trap damage 5.62%
ICON Buff DamageLightningStaff Chain Lightning Staff Damage is doubled 5.62%

ICON Buff DamageStoneStaff

Stone Staff Damage is doubled 5.62%
ICON Buff HeadshotHeal Headshots Heal the Player (+25 health per shot) 5.62%
ICON Buff HeadshotMana Headshots restore Mana (+20 mana per shot) 5.62%
ICON Buff NoRiftRush Enemies no longer Rift Rush 5.62%
ICON Buff SmallCoinToLarge Small Coin Pickups become Large Coin Pickups 5.62%
ICON Buff CooldownAllTraps Reduce cooldown of all traps 4.49%

ICON Buff DamageArcaneStaff

Arcane Staff Damage is doubled 5.62%
ICON Buff DamageCrossbow Crossbow Damage is doubled 5.62%
ICON Buff DamageDwarvenHammer Dwarven Hammer Damage is doubled 5.62%
ICON Buff HeadshotDamage Headshot Damage is Doubled (+100%) 5.62%
ICON Buff PlayerManaRegen Increase Mana Regen (+150%) 5.62%
ICON Buff DamageAllTraps Increase the damage of all traps 4.49%
ICON Buff CooldownCyclopeanGaze Reduce Cyclopean Gaze Trinket cooldown by half
ICON Buff DamageFlamethrower Flame Thrower Damage is doubled
ICON Buff DamageLightningDouble Lightning damage is doubled
ICON Buff FrozenDuration Frozen duration is doubled
ICON Buff HeadshotExplosion Headshots will trigger an explosion dealing damage to surround enemies
ICON Buff OrcExplosion Orcs have a chance to explode on death


Scramble Debuffs
Icon Description Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5
ICON Debuff BarricadeCost Barricade cost is increased 7.4% 5.5% 5.5%
ICON Debuff CostAllTraps Increase the cost of All Traps 7.4% 5.5%
ICON Debuff HealthAllMinions Increase all enemies Health (+100%) 7.4% 5.5%
ICON Debuff ImmunityArcaneDamage All enemies are immune to Arcane Damage 7.4% 5.5%
ICON Debuff ImmunityLightningDamage All enemies are immune to Lightning Damage 7.4% 5.5%
ICON Debuff RemoveLoadoutSlots Lose 3 loadout slots 3.7% 5.5%
ICON Debuff AllMinionsDamage Increase all enemies Damage (+100) 7.4% 5%
ICON Debuff AddArcher Adds archers to every wave (+4 archers) 7.4%
ICON Debuff AddZelzadore Adds Zelzadore to every wave 7.4%
ICON Debuff HealthOrcs Double all Orcs Health (+150%) 7.4%
ICON Debuff AddEarthLord Adds elemental earth lords to every wave. Makes earthlings faster (+3 earth lords, +20% movement speed) 3.7% 5%
ICON Debuff AddFireOverlord Adds fire fiend overlords to every wave (+4 Overlords, +20% movement) 3.7% 5%
ICON Debuff AddGnoll Adds gnoll hunters to every wave. Makes gnoll hunters faster (+4 gnolls, +10% movement speed) 3.7% 5%
ICON Debuff AddArmoredOgre Adds armored ogres to every wave and makes armored ogres stronger (+3 Ogres, +20% health) 3.7% 5.5%
ICON Debuff AddCyclopsMage Adds cyclops mages to every wave. Makes cyclops mages stronger (+4 mages, +50% health) 3.7% 5.5%
ICON Debuff AddMountainTroll Adds mountain trolls to every wave. Makes mountain trolls faster (+3 Trolls, +20% movement speed) 3.7% 5.5%
ICON Debuff AddFireMage Adds fire fiend mages to every wave (+4 mages) 3.7%
ICON Debuff AddGnollGrenadier Adds gnoll grenadiers to every wave. Makes gnoll grenadiers stronger (+4 gnolls, +20% damage) 3.7%
ICON Debuff AddCyclopes Adds cyclopes every wave. Makes cyclopes stronger. (+1 Medium, +2 Heavy, +1 Mesmerizer, +1 Shaman, +1 Mage; +50% health) 3.7% 5.5%
ICON Debuff LoseRPOnDeath Lose 10 rift points on death 5.85% 5.88% 6.67%
ICON Debuff ManaCostWeapons Increase Mana cost of all Weapons 5.85% 5.88% 6.67%
ICON Debuff AddArcherTNT Adds dynamite archers to every wave. Makes dynamite archers stronger (+4 tnt archers, +100% health) 5.85% 5.88%
ICON Debuff BarricadeHealth Significantly reduce Barricade health 5.85% 5.88%
ICON Debuff CostCeilingTraps Increase the cost of Ceiling Traps 5.85% 5.88%
ICON Debuff CostFloorTraps Increase the cost of Floor Traps (Excludes Barricades) 5.85% 5.88%
ICON Debuff CostWallTraps Increase the cost of Wall Traps 5.85% 5.88%
ICON Debuff DamageOrcs Greatly increase all Orcs Damage (+200%) 5.85% 5.88%
ICON Debuff HealthVeryHeavy Increase all Very Heavy enemies Health (+50%) 5.85% 5.88%
ICON Debuff MinionRiftPoints All enemies are worth 5 rift points (Including gnolls) 5.85% 5.88%
ICON Debuff AddFireLord Adds elemental fire lords to every wave. Makes firelings stronger (+3 Fire Lords, +20% Fireling Damage) 5.85% 6.67%
ICON Debuff AddMongrifel Add Mongrifel to every wave 5.85% 6.67%
ICON Debuff ImmunityIceDamage All enemies are immune to Ice Damage 5.85% 6.67%
ICON Debuff PlayerMaxHealth Reduce Player maximum Health by half (-50%) 5.85% 6.67%
ICON Debuff AddCragg Add Cragg to every wave 5.85%
ICON Debuff HealthGnolls Double all Gnoll Health (+150%) 5.85%
ICON Debuff ImmunityFireDamage All enemies are immune to Fire Damage 5.85%
ICON Debuff HeadshotDamage Reduce Headshot Damage (-50%) 0.58%
ICON Debuff DamageVeryHeavy Greatly increase all Very Heavy enemies Damage (+200%) 7.14% 6.67%
ICON Debuff CooldownAllTraps Increase cooldown of all traps 7.14%
ICON Debuff DamageRanged Greatly increase all ranged enemy damage (+200%) 7.14%
ICON Debuff ImmunityAllStatusEffects All enemies are immune to Crowd Control Status Effects 7.14%
ICON Debuff ImmunityPhysicalDamage All enemies are immune to Physical Damage 7.14%
ICON Debuff ImmunitySlowed All enemies are immune to Slow 7.14%
ICON Debuff MinionMoveSpeed Increase all enemies movement speed (+25%) 7.14%
ICON Debuff Player1HP Player always has 1 Health 7.14%
ICON Debuff PlayerSpeed Reduce Player Movement Speed (-25%) 7.14%
ICON Debuff AddKoboldTNT Adds kobold sappers to every wave. Makes kobold sappers stronger. (+4 tnt kobolds, +900% health) 5.88% 6.67%
ICON Debuff AddGhorbash Adds Ghorbash to every wave 5.88%
ICON Debuff DamageGnolls Double all Gnoll Damage (+100%) 5.88%
ICON Debuff DamageAllTraps Reduce the damage of all traps by half 6.67%
ICON Debuff ImmunityAcidDamage All enemies are immune to Acid Damage 6.67%
ICON Debuff RiftRushDuration All enemies Rift Rush lasts longer (15 seconds?) 6.67%
ICON Debuff AddWraithHealer Adds wraith healers to every wave (+4 healers per wave)
ICON Hero Max Retired Double all Ogre Damage (+100%)
ICON Hero Max Retired Double all Troll Damage (+100%)
ICON Debuff HealthOgres Double all Ogre Health (+150%)
ICON Debuff HealthTrolls Double all Troll Health (+150%)
ICON Hero Max Retired All enemies are immune to Affected By Magic
ICON Hero Max Retired All enemies are immune to Burning
ICON Hero Max Retired All enemies are immune to Charmed
ICON Hero Max Retired All enemies are immune to Distracted and Feared
ICON Hero Max Retired All enemies are immune to Electrified
ICON Hero Max Retired All enemies are immune to Frozen
ICON Hero Max Retired All enemies are immune to Stoned
ICON Hero Max Retired All enemies are immune to Stun
ICON Hero Max Retired After death, enemies rift rush for rest of wave.
ICON Debuff AddCyclopsMesmerizer Adds cyclops mesmerizers to every wave. Makes cyclops mesmerizers stronger. (+3 Mesmerizers, +20% damage)
ICON Debuff AddCyclopsShaman Adds cyclops shaman to every wave. Makes cyclops shaman drop totems more often. (+2 Shaman, -50% ability cooldown)
ICON Debuff LoseCoin Lose 100 coins every 10 seconds.
ICON Debuff IncreaseAggroCount Increases Melee aggro cap by 2
ICON Debuff HeadshotHealAOE Headshots will trigger a pulse that heals surrounding enemies
ICON Debuff NoSellTraps Traps cannot be sold after being placed. No Refunds.


Tier 1 (War Mage) and Tier 4 (Rift Lord)

  • Great Room
  • Side Entrance
  • Hidden Dock
  • Split Stairs
  • Close Quarters
  • Cliffside
  • Abandoned Passage
  • Aqueducts

Tier 2 (War Mage) and Tier 5 (Rift Lord)

  • Coastal Hallways
  • Secret Fortress
  • Master's Courtyard
  • Sludge Shelves
  • The Basement
  • Colosseum
  • Order Enclave
  • Slag Field

Tier 3 (War Mage)

  • The Lava Pits
  • Front Lawn
  • Mage Tower
  • Dragon Boneyard
  • Order Temple
  • Canyon Keep

If you need some more information, here is a link to Scramble Guide Video. Hope it helps :)

