The Edge is the first level in Orcs Must Die! 2. Upon its completion, the Spike Trap is awarded.
Level Description[]
- Entrance Doors: 1
- Exit Doors: 1
- Waves: 4
- Rift Points: 20 (Nightmare: 10)
- Completion Time (par): 5:00
- Starting Money: 4000
- Health Potion: 3
- This is by far the easiest level, being the only level with only a single entrance and exit, with few orcs and easy access to cliffs to toss them off of. Any reasonably quick-reloading damage traps should easily allow you Victory, Perfect Victory, and Untouchable on War Mage for four skulls, making this a effective, if boring, method of farming skulls. If you forgo traps, you can pick up the Trapless award for three skulls, or six on Nightmare.
- Preparation Track : Samilton
- Battle Track : Womantastic